Binary Search Tree

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Binary Search Tree

什么是BST ?

Binary Search Tree是符合下面定义的二叉树:



对于BST的叶子节点,定义其为nil。根据BST的性质, 我们可知in-order-traversal可以得到BST的一个有序数据集合。并且n个节点组成平衡BST高度为O(logn),则对其的操作时间复杂度是O(logn)





  • 插入, 有插入数据我们才能进行其他操作
  • 查找, 由于BST的性质, 我们知道在BST上可以实现二分查找
  • 删除, 删除不需要的值
  • 遍历, 对于BST来讲,就是in-order-traversal


  • 首先, 我们声明一个BST类, 包含上面所描述的四种操作。我们使用TreeNode作为BST的节点
// TreeNode<T> definition
template<typename T>
class TreeNode {
    T val;
    TreeNode<T> *left;
    TreeNode<T> *right;
    TreeNode<T> *parent;
    // constructor
    TreeNode() : left(nullptr), right(nullptr), parent(nullptr){};
    TreeNode(T v) : val(v), left(nullptr), right(nullptr), parent(nullptr){};
    TreeNode(T v, TreeNode<T> *l, TreeNode *r, TreeNode *p = nullptr) : val(v), left(l), right(r),parent(p){};

// Binary search Tree declaration
template<typename T>
class BST {
    // default constructor
    explicit BST();
    // copy constructor
    BST(const BST &other);
    // assignment constructor
    const BST<T>& operator=(const BST &other);
    // destructor

    // STL-style iterator
    class iterator {
        friend class BST;
        explicit iterator();
        const iterator& operator=(const iterator &other); // assignment constructor
        iterator& operator++(); // prefix increment
        iterator operator++(int); // postfix increment
        T& operator*() const;
        bool operator!=(const BST<T>::iterator &other) const;
        bool operator==(const BST<T>::iterator &other) const;
        // for iterator_traits to refer
        typedef std::output_iterator_tag iterator_category;
        typedef T value_type;
        typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
        typedef T* pointer;
        typedef T& reference;
        iterator(TreeNode<T>* n);
        TreeNode<T>* node;
        TreeNode<T>* lastNode;

    // iterator begin() and end()
    iterator begin() const;
    iterator end() const;

    // insert an element into BST
    void insert(T v);

    // find an element
    iterator find(const T& v) const;
    //const_iterator find(const T& v) const;

    // remove one element
    void erase(iterator itr);

    // return the size of BST
    const std::size_t size() const;

    // check whether the BST is nullptr
    const bool empty() const;

    int cnt;
    TreeNode<T> *root;

    // private insert function
    void insert(T v, TreeNode<T> *&r, TreeNode<T> * const &p = nullptr);
    // private : replace node in parent
    void replace_node_in_parent(TreeNode<T> *node, TreeNode<T> *newNode = nullptr);
    // private : find the max value node
    TreeNode<T> *findMax(TreeNode<T> *node);
  • 为了模拟STL容器类,在BST<T>里我们实现了inner class iterator来提供iterator类的支持。iterator类的构造函数和成员函数实现如下:

iterator无参数构造函数, 将内部指针设为nullptr即可

// BST<T>::iterator
// default constructor
template<typename T>
BST<T>::iterator::iterator() {
    node = nullptr;
    lastNode = nullptr;


// one argument constructor
template<typename T>
BST<T>::iterator::iterator(TreeNode<T>* n) {
    node = n;
    lastNode = nullptr;


// assignment constructor
template<typename T>
const typename BST<T>::iterator& BST<T>::iterator::operator=(const iterator &other) {
    this->node = other.node;
    return *this;


template<typename T>
T& BST<T>::iterator::operator*() const {
    return this->node->val;

iteratoroperator==重载, 比较内部node是否相同

// overload operator ==
template<typename T>
bool BST<T>::iterator::operator==(const BST<T>::iterator &other) const {
    return this->node == other.node;

iteratoroperator!=重载, 比较内部node是否相同

// overload operator !=
template<typename T>
bool BST<T>::iterator::operator!=(const BST<T>::iterator &other ) const {
    return this->node != other.node;

iteratoroperator++重载, 返回类型是引用,因此是前缀++。对于BST<T>,实际就是实现in order traversal。借助于parent指针可以不借用stack

// overload prefix ++
template<typename T>
typename BST<T>::iterator& BST<T>::iterator::operator++() {
    // if current node is root , we could get the lastNode
    if( node->parent == nullptr ) {
        lastNode = node;
        while( lastNode->right )
            lastNode = lastNode->right;
    if( node->right != nullptr ) {
        node = node->right;
        while( node->left )
            node = node->left;
    } else if( node == lastNode ){
        node = nullptr;
    } else if( node == node->parent->left ) {
        node = node->parent;
    } else if( node == node->parent->right ) {
        while( node->parent->val <= node->val )
            node = node->parent;
        node = node->parent;
    return *this;

iteratoroperator++重载, 返回类型是值,因此是后缀++。与前缀++类似,实际就是实现in order traversal

// overload postfix ++
template<typename T>
typename BST<T>::iterator BST<T>::iterator::operator++(int) {
    // if current node is root , we could get the lastNode
    if( node->parent == nullptr ) {
        lastNode = node;
        while( lastNode->right )
            lastNode = lastNode->right;
    TreeNode<T> *p = this->node;
    if( node->right != nullptr ) {
        node = node->right;
        while( node->left )
            node = node->left;
    } else if( node == lastNode ){
        node = nullptr;
    } else if( node == node->parent->left ) {
        node = node->parent;
    } else if( node == node->parent->right ) {
        while( node->parent->val <= node->val )
            node = node->parent;
        node = node->parent;
    return iterator(p);
  • BST类构造函数


// default constructor -- only initialize the private variable
template<typename T>
BST<T>::BST() {
    cnt = 0;
    root = nullptr;

BST<T>复制构造函数,需要实现deep copy。借助queue,使用bfs来复制BST<T>中每一个node

// copy constructor -- deep copy every element of the other BST
template<typename T>
BST<T>::BST(const BST &other) {
    cnt = other.cnt;
    if( cnt == 0 )
    std::queue<std::pair<TreeNode<T>*, TreeNode<T>*> > q;
    while( !q.empty() ) {
        TreeNode<T> *node1 = q.front().first;
        TreeNode<T> *node2 = q.front().second;
        if( node2->left ) {
            node1->left = new TreeNode<T>(node2->left->val);
            node1->left->parent = node1;
            q.push(make_pair(node1->left, node2->left));
        if( node2->right ) {
            node1->right = new TreeNode<T>(node2->right->val);
            node1->irght->parent = node1;
            q.push(make_pair(node1->right, node2->right));


// assignment constructor
template<typename T>
const BST<T>& BST<T>::operator=(const BST &other) {
    cnt = other.cnt;
    if( cnt == 0 )
        return *this;
    std::queue<std::pair<TreeNode<T>*, TreeNode<T>*> > q;
    while( !q.empty() ) {
        TreeNode<T> *node1 = q.front().first;
        TreeNode<T> *node2 = q.front().second;
        if( node2->left ) {
            node1->left = new TreeNode<T>(node2->left->val);
            node1->left->parent = node1;
            q.push(make_pair(node1->left, node2->left));
        if( node2->right ) {
            node1->right = new TreeNode<T>(node2->right->val);
            node1->right->parent = node1;
            q.push(make_pair(node1->right, node2->right));
    return *this;


// destructor
template<typename T>
BST<T>::~BST() {
    if( cnt == 0 )
        return ;
    cnt = 0;
    std::queue<TreeNode<T>*> q;
    while( !q.empty() ) {
        root = q.front();
        if( root->left ) {
        if( root->right ) {
        delete root;
  • begin()end()函数


// iterator begin() and end()
template<typename T>
typename BST<T>::iterator BST<T>::begin() const {
    TreeNode<T>* node = root;
    while( node && node->left )
        node = node->left;
    return iterator(node);

BST<T>end()函数,返回null iterator实例

template<typename T>
typename BST<T>::iterator BST<T>::end() const {
    return iterator();
  • size()empty()函数


// return the size of BST
template<typename T>
const std::size_t BST<T>::size() const {
    return cnt;


// check whether the BST is nullptr
template<typename T>
const bool BST<T>::empty() const {
    return cnt == 0;
  • 实现insert(T v)来插入一个新的数据

作为BST<T>的接口函数,插入新元素计数变量加一,然后调用private insert(T v, TreeNode<T> *r)函数

// insert an element into BST
template<typename T>
void BST<T>::insert(T v) {
    // increase cnt

对于BST<T>来说,我们需要插入一个新的元素最简单的方法就是通过二分查找,找到一个leaf node,然后把当前值作为左节点或右节点。

// private : insert an element into BST
template<typename T>
void BST<T>::insert(T v, TreeNode<T> *&r, TreeNode<T> * const &p) {
    if( r == nullptr )
        r = new TreeNode<T>(v, nullptr, nullptr, p);
    else if( v < r->val )
        insert(v, r->left, r);
        insert(v, r->right,r);
  • find(T v)查找数据是否存在
// find an element
template<typename T>
typename RBT<T>::iterator RBT<T>::find(const T& v) const {
    TreeNode<T> *p = root;
    while( p ) {
        if( p->val == v )
            return iterator(p);
        if( p->val < v )
            p = p->right;
            p = p->left;
    return end();
  • erase(iterator itr)删除一个数据,可以分为三种情况:
  • 要删除数据节点没有左右子树,这种情况我们可以直接删掉该数据
  • 要删除的数据只有左子树或右子树,这种情况下我们可以用左子树或右子树来替换要删掉的节点
  • 要删掉的数据节点存在左右子树,我们可以用in-order traversalpredecessorpostdecessor来替换要删掉的node,然后删除predecessorpostdecessor,这样就回到上面的情况了 erase
// remove one element
template<typename T>
void BST<T>::erase(iterator itr) {
    if( cnt == 0 ) {
        delete root;
        root = nullptr;
    // if left & right child both exist
    if( (itr.node)->left && (itr.node)->right ) {
        TreeNode<T> *predecessor = findMax((itr.node)->left);
        (itr.node)->val = predecessor->val;
    // if only left child exist
    } else {
        TreeNode<T> *child = (itr.node)->left ? (itr.node)->left : (itr.node)->right;
        replace_node_in_parent(itr.node, child);
        delete itr.node;


template<typename T>
void BST<T>::replace_node_in_parent(TreeNode<T> *node, TreeNode<T> *newNode) {
    if( node->parent ) {
        if( node->parent->left == node )
            node->parent->left = newNode;
            node->parent->right = newNode;
    } else {
        root = newNode;
    if( newNode )
        newNode->parent = node->parent;

当要删除节点同时存在有左子树和右子树时,我们找到in order traversalpredecessor来替换该节点

template<typename T>
TreeNode<T> *BST<T>::findMax(TreeNode<T> *node) {
    while( node && node->right )
        node = node->right;
    return node;


template<typename T>
void testTree() {
    cout << endl;
    int n = rand()%5;
    int i = 0;
    while( i++ < n ) {
        T bst;
        cout << "###########" << endl;
        cout << "Test step : " << i << endl;
        int m = rand()%10;
        cout << "insert : ";
        int v;
        while( m-- ) {
            v = rand()%100;
            cout << v << "\t";
        cout << endl << "bst = ";
        typename T::iterator itr = bst.begin();
        while( itr != bst.end() ) {
            cout << *itr << "\t";
        itr = bst.begin();
        if( itr != bst.end() ) {
            cout << endl << "after erase " << *itr << endl << "bst =";
        itr = bst.begin();
        while( itr != bst.end() ) {
            cout << *itr << "\t";
        int x = v;
        itr = bst.find(x);
        if( itr != bst.end() ) {
            cout << "\nFound " << x << ", now delete it" << endl;
        } else {
            cout << "\nCouldn't find " << x << endl;
        cout << "bst = ";
        itr = bst.begin();
        while( itr != bst.end() ) {
            cout << *itr << "\t";
        cout << "\nbst.size() = " << bst.size();
        cout << endl << "###########" << endl;
        cout << endl;

int main() {
    srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
    cout << "Test BST<int>\n";
    testTree<BST<int> >();
    cout << "Test RBT<int>\n";
    testTree<RBT<int> >();
    return 0;


Test BST<int>

Test step : 1
insert : 86	58	84	93	48	41
bst = 41	48	58	84	86	93
after erase 41
bst =48	58	84	86	93
Couldn't find 41
bst = 48	58	84	86	93
bst.size() = 5

Test step : 2
insert : 69	1	65	51	43	13	69
bst = 1	13	43	51	65	69	69
after erase 1
bst =13	43	51	65	69	69
Found 69, now delete it
bst = 13	43	51	65	69
bst.size() = 5

Test step : 3
insert : 86
bst = 86
after erase 86
bst =
Couldn't find 86
bst =
bst.size() = 0

Test step : 4
insert : 40	45	93	72	70	13	36
bst = 13	36	40	45	70	72	93
after erase 13
bst =36	40	45	70	72	93
Found 36, now delete it
bst = 40	45	70	72	93
bst.size() = 5

Test RBT<int>

Test step : 1
insert : 86	93	58	97
bst = 58	86	93	97
after erase 58
bst =86	93	97
Found 97, now delete it
bst = 86	93
bst.size() = 2


1.wikipedia - binary search tree

志飞 /
Published under (CC) BY-NC-SA