Skip List Introduction and Implementation

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什么是Skip List

Skip List定义和特性

Skip List 是一种可以对有序的元素序列进行快速搜索的数据结构。其结构如下图所示: skiplist

可以看到,Skip List 是由多层list 组成的。 其最底层是普通的有序地链表。而上面每一层都是作为下面层的链表的快速查找通道。对于在第i层的元素,其出现在i+1层的概率是p

Skip List 查找操作

分析上面Skip List 的结构,可以很容易就得到,查找一个元素时,从head node顶层开始,沿着next node一直查找,直到next node不小于查找的key。如果相等,则查找结束。 如果next nodenull或者比key大, 则从下一层开始继续查找。在每一层中查找需要的次数期望值时1/p

Skip List 插入操作

对于Skip List的插入操作,可以借鉴上面的查找操作,不同点是我们需要在每一次向下层查找是纪录当前Node。 这样最后得到一个比要插入key小的Node集合,我们只需要将其指向要插入keyNode即可。 可以参考下图: skiplist insertion

Skip List 实现

根据上面对skiplist 结构及其操作的介绍, 我们用C++11来实现一个简单的skiplist类。


首先, 定义skiplist类的public 成员:

  • bool contains(const Key& key)来查找key是否在skiplist
  • void insert(const Key& key)来插入key
  • void erase(const Key& key)来删除key
  • 作为基本单元的Node


template<typename Key, typename Comparator>
class skiplist {
    // skiplist node class
    class Node;
    // constructor
    explicit skiplist(Comparator cmp);
    // skiplist search method
    bool contains(const Key& key);
    // erase method
    // TODO:
    void erase(const Key& key);
    // insert an item into skiplist
    // don't allowed duplicate items
    void insert(const Key& key);
    Comparator cmp_;
    Node* head_;
    unsigned maxHeight_;
    // the max height limitation
    const unsigned int MAX_HEIGHT = 12;
    // the probability of each item in level i appeared in level i+1
    // usually 2 or 4
    const unsigned int BRANCH = 4;
    // construct new node
    Node* newNode(const Key& key, const unsigned int height);
    // check if the key is after the current node
    bool isAfterNode(const Key& key, Node *node);
    // find the first node which is greater or equal to the key
    Node* findGreater(const Key& key, Node** prev);
    // get the random height between 0 and MAX_HEIGHT
    unsigned int getHeight();


根据Skip List 的结构, 作为基本单元的Node需要满足:

  • 能够存储Key
  • 至少有一个指向下一个Node的指针,并且能够根据需要增加指向下一个Node的指针
  • 得到当前层指向的下一个Node, Node* next(const unsigned int level)
  • 设置当前层指向下一个Node, void setNext(const unsigned int level, Node* node)
// class Node implementation
template<typename Key, typename Comparator>
class skiplist<Key, Comparator>::Node {
    Key key;
    // constructor
    explicit Node(const Key& key) : key(key) {}
    // get next node
    Node* next(const unsigned int level) {
        assert( level >= 0 );
        return next_[level];
    // set next node pointer
    void setNext(const unsigned int level, Node *node) {
        assert( level >= 0 );
        next_[level] = node;
    Node* next_[1];


  • 辅助函数skiplist::newNode实现


// construct new node
template<typename Key, typename Comparator>
typename skiplist<Key, Comparator>::Node* skiplist<Key, Comparator>::newNode(const Key& key, const unsigned int height) {
    char* mem = (char*)malloc(sizeof(Node) + sizeof(Node*) * (height - 1));
    // 使用placement new
    return new (mem) Node(key);
  • skiplist构造函数

skiplisthead_根据结构, 需要是一个设计的最高的Node, 构造时每层都指向nullptr。同时需要初始化随机数生成器

// skiplist constructor
template<typename Key, typename Comparator>
skiplist<Key, Comparator>::skiplist(Comparator cmp) : cmp_(cmp), maxHeight_(1) {
    head_ = newNode(-1, MAX_HEIGHT);
    for(int i = 0; i < MAX_HEIGHT; ++i)
        head_->setNext(i, nullptr);
    // set the seed of rand
    srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));

bool isAfterNode(const Key& key, Node* node)成员函数


// check if the key is after the current node
template<typename Key, typename Comparator>
bool skiplist<Key, Comparator>::isAfterNode(const Key& key, Node* node) {
    return ( node != nullptr ) && cmp_(node->key, key) < 0;

Node findGreater(const Key& key, Node** prev)成员函数

上面对Skip List查找和插入操作都需要找到第一个不比key小的Node。同时为了插入操作, 该函数同时记录每一层的前一个Node

// find the first node which is greater or equal to the key
template<typename Key, typename Comparator>
typename skiplist<Key, Comparator>::Node* skiplist<Key, Comparator>::findGreater(const Key& key, Node** prev) {
    int level = maxHeight_ - 1;
    Node* p = head_;
    while( true ) {
        Node* n = p->next(level);
        if( isAfterNode(key, n) )
            p = n;
        else {
            if( prev != nullptr )
                prev[level] = p;
            if( level == 0 )
                return n;

void insert(const Key& key)成员函数

  • unsigned int getHeight()辅助函数

我们知道,插入一个Nodeskiplist,我们需要随机的决定该Node的高度。这里我们取Node i出现在Node i+1的概率为1/4

// get the random height between 0 and MAX_HEIGHT
template<typename Key, typename Comparator>
unsigned int skiplist<Key, Comparator>::getHeight() {
    unsigned int h = 1;
    while( h < MAX_HEIGHT && ( rand()%BRANCH == 0 ) ) {
    assert( h > 0 );
    assert( h <= MAX_HEIGHT );
    return h;
  • 插入一个元素时,我们需要先找到第一个不比key小的Node
  • 如果该Node值和key一致,则该元素已经存在,直接返回
  • 否则, 随机得到一个高度,然后将该Node每一层插入skiplist
// insert an item into skiplist
// don't allowed duplicate items
template<typename Key, typename Comparator>
void skiplist<Key, Comparator>::insert(const Key& key) {

    // first get the node which is greater or equal to the key
    Node* prev[MAX_HEIGHT];
    Node* t = findGreater(key, prev);

    // if the key has already exist, just return
    if( t != nullptr && cmp_(t->key, key) == 0 )

    // randomly get the new node's height
    int h = getHeight();
    // if the new Node's height is higher than current skiplist's maxHeight_
    // we should set the express lane fron the head_
    // and update the maxHeight_
    if( h > maxHeight_ ) {
        for(int i = maxHeight_; i < h; ++i)
            prev[i] = head_;
        maxHeight_ = h;

    // construct the node with the key and height
    t = newNode(key, h);
    // then we can simply wire the prev[] to the new node
    for(int i = 0; i < h; ++i) {
        t->setNext(i, prev[i]->next(i));
        prev[i]->setNext(i, t);

bool contains(const Key& key)成员函数

根据上面对Skip List查找操作的描述,我们只需要找到第一个不比key小的Node,然后将其值和key进行比较即可

// skiplist search method
template<typename Key, typename Comparator>
bool skiplist<Key, Comparator>::contains(const Key& key) {
    Node *p = findGreater(key, nullptr);
    return ( p != nullptr ) && cmp_(key, p->key) == 0;


下面简单的测试了上面实现的skiplist class 的构造及其成员函数:

#include "skiplist.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

template<typename Key>
struct Comparator {
  int operator()(const Key& a, const Key& b) const {
    if (a < b) {
      return -1;
    } else if (a > b) {
      return +1;
    } else {
      return 0;

void testSkiplist() {
    Comparator<int> cmp;
    vector<int> nums = {10, 5, 7, 2, 9, 0, 1};
    skiplist<int, Comparator<int> > sl(cmp);
    assert( sl.contains(nums[0]) == false );
    for(int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) {
        assert( sl.contains(nums[i]) == true );
        if( i < nums.size() - 1 )
            assert( sl.contains(nums[i+1]) == false );

int main() {
    return 0;


1.wikipedia - skip list
2.leveldb - skiplist  

志飞 /
Published under (CC) BY-NC-SA